Monday, January 19, 2015

Specific Gravity of Salt before Soda Dosing

Specific Gravity of Salt before Soda Dosing

Temp:50 degree Celsius
So Salt concentration is 55g/l
If the M:L Is 1:7 & fabric Weight is 450kg so total liquor is 7x450= 3150L
In recipe salt concentration is 50g/l
total wt of salt is 157.5kg
After salt recirculating SG is 1.03 so salt concentration is 55g/l
Soda water need?
45g salt dissolve in 1L water
1g salt dissolve in   1/45 L
157.5x1000 salt dissolve in      (1x157.5x1000)/55  L  water
                                                     =2863.636L water

So before Soda dosing Water consumption in Main Tank is 2863.636 L
Need Soda Water For Soda dosing =(3150-2863.636) L    =286.364L

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