Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Enzyme Mechanism in Knit Dyeing.

Enzyme are soluble-zing bio-catalyst, proteinious & highly Specific.
Enzyme are active protein that can increased the bio-chemical reaction.
Enzyme are natural chemicals are used as living organism but are themselves 'non living'.

In Textile Industry there are three types of Enzyme are used.
  1. Amylasis Enzyme: Which is used in Woven dyeing factory/textile mills for de-sizing.
  2. Catalyse Enzyme: which used as Peroxide killing.
  3. Cellulose Enzyme: which used in knit dyeing factory for bio-polishing or to remove hairiness of fabric surface.It is also used in Denim washing.   
At First I want to show the hydrolysis of Cellulose.
As the main component of lignocelluloses, cellulose is a biopolymer consisting of many glucose units connected through β-1,4-glycosidic bonds. Breakage of the β-1,4-glycosidic bonds by acids leads to the hydrolysis of cellulose polymers, resulting in the sugar molecule glucose oroligosaccharides. Mineral acids, such as HCl and H2SO4, have been used in the hydrolysis of cellulose. However, they suffer from problems of product separation, reactor corrosion, poorcatalyst recyclability and the need for treatment of waste effluent. The use of heterogeneous solid acids can solve some of these problems through the ease of product separation and goodcatalyst recyclability. This review summarizes recent advances in the hydrolysis of cellulose by different types of solid acids, such as sulfonated carbonaceous based acids, polymer based acids and magnetic solid acids. The acid strength, acid site density, adsorption of the substance and micropores of the solid material are all key factors for effective hydrolysis processes. Methods used to promote reaction efficiency such as the pretreatment of cellulose to reduce its crystallinity and the use of ionic liquids or microwave irradiation to improve the reaction rate are also discussed.

Graphical abstract: Hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose by solid acid catalysts
If We sink a one piece of cellulose fabric for 3/4 days after 3/4 days this fabric strength become zero.Because the maximum cellulose become hydrolyzed & transfer into glucose.
Cellulose Enzyme just increase this Bio-chemical reaction. It works in surface at first because water react at first protruding fibre.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to improve RFT (Right First Time) in Knit dyeing?

How to improve RFT (Right First Time) in Knit dyeing?

  1. Proper dye selection
  2. Dyes combination must be same brand.
  3. After dyeing in lab this fabric must be neutralist by Acitic acid
  4. In lab Soaping wash must be good
  5. In dyeing floor M:L must be maintained properly
  6. Before leveling Dosing/Transfer water must be taken very carefully & Accurately
  7. Leveling water must be taken after wash perfectly & after fully drain cleanly.   
  8. Specific Gravity must be measure before soda dosing.
  9. Soda dosing need to dose two time or long time need

Monday, January 19, 2015

Main Dyeing position in Knit Dyeing Machine

Main Dyeing position in Knit Dyeing Machine....................................................................
Ans:Machine Nozzle or for Nozzle pressure dyeing is occured.
For this reason  Sclavos developed Twin soft flow Nozzle pressure. In Sclavos M/C the fabric Quality is much more better than another Machine.

Specific Gravity of Salt before Soda Dosing

Specific Gravity of Salt before Soda Dosing

Temp:50 degree Celsius
So Salt concentration is 55g/l
If the M:L Is 1:7 & fabric Weight is 450kg so total liquor is 7x450= 3150L
In recipe salt concentration is 50g/l
total wt of salt is 157.5kg
After salt recirculating SG is 1.03 so salt concentration is 55g/l
Soda water need?
45g salt dissolve in 1L water
1g salt dissolve in   1/45 L
157.5x1000 salt dissolve in      (1x157.5x1000)/55  L  water
                                                     =2863.636L water

So before Soda dosing Water consumption in Main Tank is 2863.636 L
Need Soda Water For Soda dosing =(3150-2863.636) L    =286.364L

Difference between Sclavos & Dilminler knit dyeing Machine

Difference between Sclavos & Dilmenler Machine (Winch Dyeing M/c)
Sl No
Advanced Automation System
Moderate Automation System
Aquachron 3G Continuous Washing System
Which ensure washing to constant   temperature
Cold Rinse
Automatic setting Adjustment E.g. Cycle Time, Reel Speed etc.
Least Pilling or Mechanical abrasion Surface for it’s twin flow nozzle system specially for cellulosic fabric.
Moderate Pilling or Mechanical abrasion Surface. In this m/c Commonly Synthetic fabric is dyed.
Very low water consumption
water consumption more than Sclavos M/C
Tangle free operation
Tangle is occurred more than Sclavos m/c
Low Chemical consumption
More Chemical consumption than Sclavos m/c
Anthena 2 is equipped with cycloclean system for cleaning inner surface of dyeing m/c, That system including hydrodynamic rotated sprinkle unit.
Cycloclean system is seen in this m/c
Another chemical tank which is used for salt dosing in critical color.
No another chemical tank
For this m/c M:L=1:5 for some fabric need 1:8
M:L=1:8 Every m/c has minimum water consumption..
This is featured with variable loading system, which facilitates a wide range of m/c loading from 100% down to 50% of the nominal capacity, at the same liquor ratio of 1:5
If  m/c is loading from 100% down to 50% of the nominal capacity , than every m/c has minimum liquor consumption.
Controlled with program software “SEDOMAT 5500”
Controlled with program software “Setex 535” “DMS 737XLC”
M/C inner pressure indicator or meter
SCLAVOS developed the Analogue dosing system (ADS), which ensures a very precise, smooth and nonstop transfer of alkali, according to the selected dosing curve.
AD is completely automated and the dosing results are fully recorded.
Dosing is automated but the dosing results are not recorded.
Fabric Quality: Low tension & Shringkage.
                            Minimal fiber loss
No Reserve or PT tank
Reserve or PT tank is found